A Movie List Found (2017 edition)

According to my 2017 self, these were top 10 movies (“so far”) of 2017. There is no original date listed, but there is a “As of 10/2017” note listed off to the side of the original list.

Those are listed below the original list.

My 2021 does not agree with all of the list except 1 & 2. Those are still the best of that year.

But…that would only matter if anyone was actually reading this garbage.

Just in case someone is trying to defeat insomnia by reading this garbage, here is the list:

10. Split

9. Get Out

8. Wonder Woman

7. The Beguiled

6. Dunkirk

5. Logan

4. Logan Lucky

3. Spiderman: Homecoming

2. IT (chapter 1)

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy

“As of 10/2017” (No order or revised numbers)

Thor Ragnarok

Disaster Artist

Wind River

Honorable Mentions

Baahubali 2 (Indian film)

Jane (documentary)

I don’t feel like arguing my 2017 self about specifics, but I can flat out say that fool was wrong about a few. If I were to revise today without adding or deleting any of the titles above, the list might look like this:

10. Jane

9. Wonder Woman

8. Logan

7. Wind River

6. Dunkirk

5. Logan Lucky

4. Spiderman: Homecoming

3. Thor: Ragnarok

2. IT (chapter 1)

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy

But…it only matters if someone is reading.

They probably aren’t.

Would you?
